Hello, I'm Juan!
A bearded bro, graphic designer & creator of Noctua Design Co. a visual branding and illustration Company created to help people bring their stories to life. We provide assistance on how to illustrate visual elements that portray your vision.
Through our mind mapping process, we develop an awesome visual responsive system. These consist of logos, color schemes, typography-inspired illustrations, and much more! These design elements set your brand apart from others. We hope you join the team and become part of our unique brand strategy. Connect with us on your next project!

Fun fact! Noctua means night owl in Spanish. This name came around in 2013 when I developed a concept for a start-up coffee shop in Austin. I always resonated with the name as my upbringing as an artist was very much one of a night owl. I always did most of my work at night! Although I'm a morning owl now, Being a night owl will always be the origin of who I am as an artist. Wrap that up with my wonderful Mexican culture Noctua Design Co. was born!